Q & A (Part 1)

Saturday, December 10, 2016

Q: Sebetulnya kenapa Fashion Designer?
A: Seru!
Jadi Fashion Designer itu sebetulnya bukan impian aku sih, I want to run my own Fashion Label, lalu meluas menjadi Fashion Retail Business. Lalu, mimpi itu enggak cuma berhenti sampai situ saja, tapi terus berlanjut ke hal lain kayak Mass Product.
I am a very hard person to deal with, I can't work for someone. But in fact, I HAVE TO LEARN.
I really appreciate to those who Graduated from a Fashion School or a Fashion College (you named it). They must be work very hard for that, because most of Fashion School itu membuat kewajiban bahwa School Life and Social Life got to be balanced.
Being a Fashion Designer is not that easy, it's really a very hard work. It really is. Now I work for someone, I learn a lot here. Aku pikir tadinya pola itu hal yang sangat complicated, ternyata lebih dari sangat. Many local products yang kurang aware sama hal ini, mereka kurang memperhatikan bahwa sebuah garment itu harus serba sejajar dan enggak boleh miring sana sini. Tapi tau kah kalian, masih ada orang-orang ajaib yang bisa dengan indah mengerjakan pola, dan mereka adalah local people. These garments below aren't perfect (yet). But these are Test sample tahap 1, they really did a great work. PROUD!

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